Inspire young minds with a new take on a sensory favorite.

Create, Play, Dream with our

Occupation-Themed Dough.

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Why Dream Dough?

SpreadLaLuz means, 'Spread the Light.' Our brand, labels, & dough are specifically created for this mission. Dream Dough was made to stimulate creativity, nurture big ambitions, & empower limitless potential.


The Power of Sensory Play

  • Enhances & helps develop fine motor skills
  • Encourages creativity & imagination
  • Calming for children & adults
  • Increases curiosity & knowledge
  • Promotes playtime individually or with others

Get to Know Our Dough

What is it made out of?

All of our doughs are made with only seven ingredients:

Flour, Salt, Water, Lavender Infused Sunflower Oil, Cream of Tartar, Vegetable Glycerin, & Food Coloring

Is it scented?

All of our doughs have a subtle lavender scent from the naturally infused sunflower oil. We do not use fragrance or essential oils since these can cause allergic reactions.

Is it vegan & gluten-free?

Our dough is vegan & cruelty-free. It does contain wheat. We are in the process of making a gluten-free version.

How should I store it? What if it dries out?

Store your dough in the jar it comes in after every use. If it's left out for long periods, add a few drops of water and knead it back to greatness.

Help! My child ate some of it!

Our dream dough was thoughtfully & intentionally made with this in mind. Every ingredient is fine to digest although our dough isn't tasty or recommended to eat.

How long will it be good for?

Dough will last up to two months if stored properly in the container it comes in and played with regularly. If you start to see crystals, this is the salt, add some water and knead. If you see mold, discard and reuse or recycle your container.

Can I order in bulk for a birthday party?

YES! We love to be a part of celebrations! Please email us at with the event date and the quantity.

I am an educator, can I order in bulk for students?

YES! Please email us at with the school and quantity.